Junior actuarieel consultant
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Employee Benefits & Risk Management

We are KWPS. As a niche firm, we advise and assist employers and their consultants with a wide range of issues in the fields of pensions, employee benefits and insurances. Whether it concerns a merger, harmonization, change management, managing and placing pension and income insurances, or communication, KWPS combines in-depth and multidisciplinary knowledge with a practical approach. In this way, we minimize risks and ensure that you are 'in control'. Would you like to get to know us without any obligations? Get in touch with Jan-Olivier Kuijkhoven or Natasja Winter.


Our experienced team of tax specialists, lawyers, economists, and econometricians advises and supports you with the various subjects and challenges you encounter.

For lawyers

We assist a large number of labor and corporate law attorneys because of our specific and complementary knowledge. Like you, we are accustomed to the fact that some questions should have been answered yesterday.

Our team

Delivering quality together, that is our motto. We maintain short lines of communication and work closely together. KWPS has a no-nonsense approach. Our work and team spirit are energizing.

Questions, information and contact